Auditing and Assurance Services (GE)(16版)
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底下是 Auditing and Assurance Services (GE)(16版) 的內容簡介
Comprehensive and up-to-date, including discussion of new standards, codes, and concepts, Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach presents an integrated concepts approach to auditing that details the process from start to finish. Based on the author’s belief that the fundamental concepts of auditing center on the nature and amount of evidence that auditors should gather in specific engagements, the text’s primary objective is to illustrate auditing concepts using practical examples and real-world settings.
The Sixteenth Edition remains up-to-date with examples of key real-world audit decisions and an emphasis on audit planning, risk assessment processes, and collecting and evaluating evidence in response to risks.
作者: Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley, Chris E. Hogan
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/08/03
- 語言:英文
商品網址: Auditing and Assurance Services (GE)(16版)
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根據《每日郵報》以及《太陽報》報導,35歲的拉里薩(Larissa Orynbasarovna)是名擁有11年經驗、擁有執照的專業按摩師。她宣稱,此種按摩方式對寶寶的身體健康有益處,且當地的父母也願意支付約新台幣287元的價格來尋求這項服務,「多年來,我碰過許多寶寶。我的按摩治療了他們。」
▲ 據了解,拉里薩目前也有在訓練學生。(圖/翻攝自Youtube)
根據英國幼兒專家高思(Stuart Korth)的說法,雖然影片當中有些動作是可以被接受的,但不能大力搖晃,「否則可能會使寶寶的肩膀脫臼,甚至傷及脊髓」,而家長在幫孩子「輕輕按摩」是沒問題的,但必須在寶寶脖子與肩膀有適當支撐的情況下才能進行。
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